Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jeff's House

another day done, didn't get a whole lot accomplished besides naming our imaginary ska band (Don Skaballero or Animal Skallective) and getting some bro-ing done, but we did manage to pull off a really nice "neon lights" by doing something we've never tried and splicing the two parts together. sounds real great and will definitely be one of the corners of the record as far as i'm concerned. had a listening party to check out what we had gotten done and now it's time to listen to some stuff and get ideas/decisions on which takes and what to use.

just started downloading the .zip file of it off rapidshare and i don't know if you guys have this problem but rapidshare can fucking blow me. it's just a pain in the ass. regardless, it was nice of jesse to throw that up there so we could all just download what we have. i'll try and post something later in the week when we get some more things decided upon. Despite thinking that we were being total slackers by drinking so much beer and telling jokes the whole time, we're actually getting a lot done.

tonight, we go in to do 'massage' again and then i think we're going to try and blaze through some of the more boring shit, like guitar punches and bass fixes. got quite a bit of stuff already.

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